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Help Sr. Miriam’s work with the poor in a Kenyan slum: LifeFunder

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — Sweden has unveiled its latest plan to target Africans for the proliferation of abortion.

Fortunately, they can fight back.

“Africa is the region of the world with the most number of countries,” said Rebecca Oas, director of research for C-FAM, explaining the significance of the initiative in an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale (video below). “So from a voting-bloc standpoint, they could be very powerful if they speak together.” 

 “Also, we know that Africa is the region of the world that still has above-replacement fertility — it has the highest fertility in the world. So obviously for those who are concerned about population growth, it has long been a target.” 

Sweden’s push for abortion on the continent is not new. According to Oas, the country fancies itself a global leader in advancing “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” (SRHR) a euphemism that contains support for abortion and contraception under the guise of humanitarian aid. Over the next four years, Sweden will send more resources to Africa than it has previously to promote SRHR, raising its monetary allocation from $55 million to $60 million during that time period. 

“And, of course, the narrative that we hear is that ‘These poor women, they don’t have access to family planning. They cannot control the size of their families. We must help them,’” Oas elaborated. “When in reality, when you look at how many children women want to have, it is also the highest in the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, they want large families.” 

Sweden’s formalized strategy recognizes that to expand access to abortion in Africa, it must first transform the pro-life cultures frequently found in African nations. To accomplish this, Sweden seeks to re-brand and sell abortion as “self-care” to the populace. Meanwhile, Sweden’s population control allies seek to provide to the native population abortion pills, often illegally, to be self-administered and without a doctor. 

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“In our work at the UN, we see that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been providing a lot of medical cover for this practice. They’ve basically framed abortion as a form of ‘self-care,’” Oas explained. 

“And so what these organizations do that are selling illegally abortion pills is they say, ‘Well, we’re operating within WHO guidance.’ And so the WHO is basically providing them at least medical cover — if not legal cover — and saying, ‘Well, abortions that are illegal aren’t necessarily unsafe if they’re provided in accordance with guidelines by the WHO.” 

Despite underhanded tactics and the millions spent by Sweden and other nations and organizations to promote abortion in Africa, there are many reasons for hope in the fight against this type of what Pope Francis calls “ideological colonialism.”  

“It’s not that this is an inevitable wave that only goes one direction,” Oas said. “It also has to be said that in all of these decades they have been trying to push an international human right to abortion — and these are the most wealthy countries and most powerful people in the world — they have still failed.” 

“There is no consensus on this. It’s not any binding international human rights treaty, so, you know, there is a lot that we can say we’ve had as successes,” she concluded.

Help Sr. Miriam’s work with the poor in a Kenyan slum: LifeFunder

