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President Joe Biden delivers remarks during a Cabinet Meeting at the White House on September 6, 2022, in Washington, D.C. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

(American Thinker) – In 2016, Trump spoke to tens of thousands, and Hillary spoke to hundreds… and Trump won. In 2020, despite COVID, Trump spoke to tens of thousands, and Biden spoke to… well, not even tens. Maybe to fives, all of whom sat in little marked circles far away from each other. And yet it’s Biden who’s in the White House.

Now it’s 2022, and once again, Trump is speaking to tens of thousands, and Biden is speaking to tens. What can and should we take away from that?

The head-to-head comparison comes from Benny Johnson, who put together a video showing Trump’s and Biden’s appearances in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. It’s important to note that Wilkes-Barre is part of Luzerne County, a Republican-majority county. However, that majority is not equal to, say, San Francisco County, where Biden claimed 85.26 percent of the votes to Trump’s 12.72 percent – something that’s a totally believable result if one knows that San Francisco is self-destructing because of its unopposed leftism.

In Luzerne, the vote split 56.7 percent for Trump versus 42.3 percent for Biden. In other words, although Trump carried the day with almost 87,000 votes, over 64,000 people still supported Biden. Both men have a lot of supporters who can turn up at their rallies.

When it comes to Wilkes-Barre rallies in 2022, the video from Trump’s rally makes it look as if all 86,929 of Trump’s voters tried to squeeze into the venue, and all the attendees are wildly enthusiastic. Meanwhile, the video from Biden’s rally shows what looks like a debate at a high school gym when the candidates are the two unpopular kids whom no one in the school likes. The room is mostly empty, and the energy is non-existent:

So what do these videos mean for 2022?

In 2016, Democrats didn’t take steps to address the possibility that Trump could actually win, so he won. In 2020, Democrats took lots of steps to address the possibility that Trump could win (none of which included a viable candidate), so he lost.

We can anticipate that, in 2022, which Democrats are making a referendum on Trump even though he’s not on the ballot, the Democrats will take lots of steps to ensure that any candidate who might possibly support Trump loses. They’ll probably get help from the pooh-bahs in the Republican Party who view Trump as a threat to their power.

However, unlike 2020, when the Democrats could focus their energy on a single candidate (Trump), plus a few important Senate seats, this year, there are too many local elections for Democrats to impose a top-down victory across the board. What will make the difference is turnout.

If Republicans allow themselves to be disheartened by polling (which no one should trust anymore), the ones who aren’t attending rallies may not vote. That’s a sure path to defeat. It’s a simple corollary: winners never quit, and quitters never win.

The answer for us is to do exactly what Rush Limbaugh always said: get out there and vote for the most conservative candidate who can win. And vote in numbers that will exceed the margin of fraud. Just remember, Trump is still filling stadiums, and Biden, with his “81 million votes,” can’t fill a high school gym.

One more thing: Remind your local GOP and/or candidate that they need to speak to voters first about the issues that matter: the economy, national security, and crime. Then talk about how appalling Biden and the Democrats are.

Reprinted with permission from American Thinker.

